Everyday Moments (#SOL- 2020)

8-07-2020 Till today my weekly slice of life were the edited versions of my letters to my Doddamma. Doddamma literally means ‘elder mother’. She is …

Everyday Moments (#SOL- 2020)

Recently, I have been following this ‘slice of life’. This young person’s dedication to her elderly aunt is moving. Please give it a read.

In response to Cee’s FOTD.

profuse growth

In response to Cee’s Flower of the Day [FOTD] challenge for June 30, 2020 (haiku below).

This is a reposting from A Wise Woman’s Journey

Word For The Day…
For what you see and hear depends a good deal on where you are standing: it also depends on what sort of person you are. – CS LEWIS (photo cr: Antonio Sokic)

It is reminiscent of the times I should have reviewed what came to mind before giving voice to any thing. — I would have asked, where in my world did that come from? Is it who I am today, or an ol’ scratched skipping record-better off discarded? — What do I allow to influence me?

profuse growth
if not watched closely
—valley’s lily

Psalm 18:25,26

Feline Friday – Friends

posted June 27, 2020

My cat caring for her old friend.

When my indoor kitty and I first moved to snowy country to marry my husband, it was a cold February. He had a loving springer spaniel who was the gentlest giant.

The first time the cat experienced snow, she was dropped into 18 inches of it – at the far end of the backyard.

The springer watched from the doorway as she bounded back to the house like a jackrabbit. Not accustomed to dogs, she hissed at him as she approached. He didn’t react–until she crossed the threshold. He greeted his new friend with a big lick on top of her little head—she shook it vigorously as to wipe-off the kiss.

She hissed once more and lay by the fire. They eventually became fast friends.

Hip problems became an issue as he grew older. He loved walks in the water whether they be ditches along trails or the river shores. The cat began to stay by him after coming home from those watery jaunts. It helped him relax.

Of course, he preferred the inner corner of his bed, and sometimes he actually got it. As each winter grew colder, they slept closer.

He has been gone for awhile now, and she uses our laps as her personal cushions.

In Response To:
Comedy Plus Feline Friday – Feline Friday is simple to join. All you have to do is: Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (they may be silly or cute).

Luna Park Cafe

posted June 26, 2020

In response to Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Store Front Signs

Our friends brought us here for breakfast at the beginning of the year. It is fun walking around inside this memorabilia-packed little cafe while awaiting our meal.

Hanging from the ceiling are tin lunch boxes-the kind with 1960’s super heroes, as well as Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Barbie, and comic strip characters. A 4-foot tall guitar stands close to a coin operated machine with a tiny clown. The operator pushes one or more of four buttons that correlates to the movement of the arms and legs making the clown dance. A juke box from the same era is in the main dining area. All of this is reminiscent of a beach boardwalk amusement park.

If you visit Seattle (some-time), please consider eating at this little gem-Luna Park Cafe. Click on the link to see the pictures.

The parking is such that only 4 cars can fit perpendicular to the building; a total of 10 cars fit semi-comfortably in the lot. Exiting the lot takes a bit of see-sawing but having a ‘local’ driving helps a fair bit.

The color picture was taken with my iPhone 6, and altered using the free version of PS Express. That neon “Cafe” sign atop the face of the building became apparent to me only during the altering process. Yea, finding more treasures even after the visit.

Late Bloom – haibun

valley growth
promises mountain
piqued beauty

Today is Wednesday, May 13, 2020. We were in town on Saturday running errands picking up our curbside order when I noticed there are blossoms on the trees.

I longed for the spring birds to return as we live in a little bit of a higher elevation, and they are not so keen on the two degrees temperature difference. When I moved here from the big city, I wasn’t used to the cacophany of the early dawn song. It drove me nuts! Having been here long enough now I miss it in the stillness of winter.

They are returning! We actually have neighborhood postings — The humming birds have returned. Put out your feeders! — and — Put your garbage cans in the garage, the bears are back!

Now tuning in for James and Anne “Almost Home” YouTube channel for their half hour of ukulele and cello music! Inspiring!

Gotta love it!

haibun – family outings

We let out the cat.

She leaves, and in short time returns.

I open the door about 4” against the cold air, wide enough to admit her.

She sits down – just outside of the opening.

I close the door.

She stands up – as if to start for the door.

I open the door.

An encore of this little dance before I realize she merely wants the option to come and go while the door remains open.

family outings
curious cat
revolving door

What Day is it Anyway? Friday, March 27, 2020


My husband shared this with me, and I just wanted to share the chuckle.

We are finally feeling normal after the seasonal colds. Actually had energy to scrub the farberware grill and the stove; sometimes taking the simplest things for granted.

Hubby will do the shopping with lots of disinfecting wipes and hand-washing while I stay in and catch up on mending.

I am making cloth covers for our son who is a nurse in the cardiac department of the hospital where he works and my god-daughter who is a respiratory therapist in the hospital where she works. They only give N-95 masks to those who are in contact with those most susceptible. These have limited reuse where they must be taken off (doffed) after each appointment so it can dry out, and then it can be reused. They are made to be disposable so have a limit to their viability.

Making lightweight cloth covers gives the masks extra life and the cloth covering can be laundered. After perusing tutorials, I found this one to be most reliable as they have data behind their methods.


Here is the pattern link: https://bit.ly/UPHMask and a little about their prototype lab.

Now to figure what to make for supper. — Cheers!

What Day is it Anyway? Thursday, March 26th, 2020


Grateful to everyone for their kindnesses.

We shop mostly for necessities these days. Driving along, I see people smile. Parking lots are fuller than normal for this time of day at this time of year.

Some shelves are sparse with goods while some ignored are still burgeoning with product. It is the tightening of our belts.

People are respecting elders and preferring or assisting others.

Check-out lines are still long. Beyond the protective masks, we see each other’s smiling eyes and the full-on smiles of folks who don’t need them. We know we are all in this together.

Thank you for that!

Thank you to Linda G Hill for starting this.

picture courtesy of good news network

COVID-19 – creative greetings

After having received suggestions on a couple of creative ways to greet each other without shaking hands, I did a little search and this is what I was able to glean.

1) the elbow-pump

(click on the pict or here to watch it on YouTube)

2) from Singapore

(click here or on pict to watch it on twitter)

3) and my favorite comes from China

(click here or on the pict to watch it on twitter)

So if we happen to meet-up, please don’t think I’m trying to trip you.

Have a happy day!

Seasonal flu

Warm and curled in a rocking recliner by the fireplace; a good book at hand

Coughing fits begin their assail – ‘Smack’ in the chest. The suffocating battery of blows causes my drooling – When will the barrage end?

With tissue-lined hands to catch each racking expulsion, I refuse to leave my charge for another remedy.

Finally, the attack abates with several honkings of my nose

The kitty softly reaches from her nesting place in the bend of my knee to grace my elbow with a touch – Her paw returns to its repose

Makes me feel much better