beards’ intent

beards’ intent–

lingering thoughts on

wild iris

This post was a personal challenge responding to a few challenges wrapped up in one post.

In response to:

Cee’s Flower of the Day challenge

Frank Tassone’s Haikai challenge #145 ‘wild iris‘ and

RonovanWrites’s Haiku challenge #312 ‘intent & thought

Does this meet the challenges?

Might & Slight – a haibun

spring’s long return to
empty promises heralds
annoyed humdingers

A neighborhood announcement:
Put out your feeders – the hummingbirds are back!’

Sure enough, one of our annual visitors practically dive-bombed my husband to remind him that our portion of the buffet was not yet displayed.

After retrieving the feeder from the basement, we served up the concoction of hummingbird feed.

1:4 ratio white sugar/boiling water
– Allow mixture to cool before serving it up.

Last year was our first time to do this. Based on those visits, only a quarter of the bottle was used in a period of 4 days, then I would change out the mix for a fresh batch. Seems to get murky by the 4th day. This year we’re only filling the bottle 1/4 full then refilling it according to the usage.

It seems we only have one to two visitors. Is it because they are territorial, or because we have agressive magpies frequenting our yard? Maybe I wait too long between batches?

What Day Is It Anyway? Monday, May 18, 2020

I started this post as a response to RonovanWrites Might&Slight challenge not realizing it was already a week too late, and then it morphed into this haibun-type post thereby making my response extra late. Ah well – here it is anyway.

Calliope Hummingbird photo courtesy of Todd Goodrich, University of Montana (no copyright infringement intended)


RonovanWrites Weekly Haiku Challenge #300 – Grit & Quit

To: Ronovan

Congratulations on your 300 consecutive prompting posts!

As a neophyte writer and blogger, I begin with Haiku. Though short, I find these writings are not always quick. It has become a meditative process, and helps one disentangle from the mundane and be grateful.

Thank you for your faithfulness and grit!

Entry for prompt #300 grit and quit:

half acre wet leaves