Late Bloom – haibun

valley growth
promises mountain
piqued beauty

Today is Wednesday, May 13, 2020. We were in town on Saturday running errands picking up our curbside order when I noticed there are blossoms on the trees.

I longed for the spring birds to return as we live in a little bit of a higher elevation, and they are not so keen on the two degrees temperature difference. When I moved here from the big city, I wasn’t used to the cacophany of the early dawn song. It drove me nuts! Having been here long enough now I miss it in the stillness of winter.

They are returning! We actually have neighborhood postings — The humming birds have returned. Put out your feeders! — and — Put your garbage cans in the garage, the bears are back!

Now tuning in for James and Anne “Almost Home” YouTube channel for their half hour of ukulele and cello music! Inspiring!

Gotta love it!